AI-Powered Cutting Process

In CNC machining, tool wear is a significant challenge that directly impacts the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing process. Tool wear can manifest in various forms, such as abrasive wear, adhesive wear, and diffusive wear. Abrasive wear occurs due to hard particles in the workpiece material, leading to gradual tool degradation. Adhesive wear results from the frictional contact between the tool and workpiece, causing material transfer that damages the tool. Diffusive wear, often caused by high temperatures, leads to the loss of essential tool material, altering its cutting properties. Additionally, unexpected issues like tool chipping can occur due to excessive force or vibrations. These types of wear not only reduce tool life but also compromise the precision and quality of the machined parts, leading to increased scrap rates and unplanned downtimes.

Our Solution:

Our AI-Powered CNC Machining solution enhances real-time tool wear detection, allowing for optimized tool life and consistent high-quality machining. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, this solution minimizes downtime, boosts machining precision, and reduces overall operational costs. With sustainability in mind, our approach helps manufacturers achieve efficient and reliable production processes. Prototypes are currently in development, and this solution will be available soon for commercialization. If you’re interested, leave your details, and we’ll inform you when it’s ready.